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Grade Teachers



Grade 5 Teachers

Ms. Sheila Schramm

Ms. Marcella Scire

Ms. April Turley

ICT Ms. Elizabeth Paradise/Ms. Erin McEaney

 12: 1- Ms. Lucia Montefusco


Grade 4 Teachers

Ms. Antonella Militello 

Ms. Joanna Ianniello

ICT- Ms. Stephenie Goetz, Ms. Danielle Dimare

12:1 Bridge- Ms. Stephanie Podhany


Grade 3 Teachers

 Ms. Caryn O'Connor

 Ms. Julie Narby

Ms. Deborah Fiallo

ICT-  Ms. Shannon Barr/Ms. Amy Strauss

12:1 Bridge - Ms. Melissa Krutys



Grade 2 Teachers

Ms. Nelissa Ortiz

Ms. Ayisha Clayton

ICT Ms. Erin Steiner/Ms. Amy Rogers



Grade 1 Teachers

Ms. Lillian Rivera

 Ms. Diane Yaccarino

 Ms. Ambalika Kundan

 ICT- Ms. Melissa Coppola/Ms. Nemelia Woods

Ms. Alexandra Traegler


Kindergarten Teachers

 Ms. Tiffany Selling

Ms. Wendy Drago

 Ms.  Jennifer Nobile

 ICT Ms. Maureen Span/Ms. Maria Benkovic

ICT/NEST- Ms. Jacquline Barresi/Ms. Alison Teehan



Pre-K & 3K

Pre K 1 -  Ms. Lauren Toledano

Pre K2  - Ms. Patricia Parente

Pre K3 -   Ms. Kristine Eisen

Pre k4  - Ms. Kim DeStefano

3K  -  Ms. Lisa Soletti




Ms. Adia Ringgold - Visual Arts

Ms. Lauen Perez- Passport to Social Studies 

Ms. Donna Saleh-  Conflict Resolution Through Organized Sports

Ms. Jennifer Harjus- Personal/Social/ Physical Skill Development

Ms. Deborah Mullen -Technology Teacher

Ms. April Rachmuth- Literacy Through  Music

Ms. Danielle Schreiber- Amplify Science (k-5)

Ms. Laura Smyle- Nest Cluster


ENL Teachers


ENL- Ms. Andrea Verderber Wolf

ENL--Ms. Kelly Kennedy



Ms. Channon Klein-Giller 

Ms. Beth Terlinsky 

Ms. Adriana Russo


IEP Teacher

Ms. Alison Cordano


Occupational Therapists:

Ms. Michelle Cortorreal 

Mr. Harry Kim


Guidance Counselor:

Ms. Christine Lozado 


Adaptive Physical Education Teacher:

Mr. Valeriy Garchik 


Physical Therapist:

Mr. Steve


Parent Coordinator:

Mrs. Evelyn Orsini 



Ms. Jhoeldy Arugundi, Ms. Sumarra Arjune, Ms. Amatun Ashrafuzzaman, Ms. Maria Battista, Ms. Marlene Carbone, Ms. Rita Conneely, Ms. Estefani De La Cruz, Ms. Divina Deleon, Ms. Cheryl Detommaso, Ms. Nury Diaz,  Ms. Cindy Doherty, Ms. Ann Feuerstein, Ms. Melinda Menedez, Ms. Mary Muckian, Ms. Elikededida Ndoja, Ms. Christine Palmaccio, Ms. Rosemary Perez, Ms. Jenny Plaza Rojas, Ms. Kaloutie Seepersad, Ms. Pramod Viola, Ms. Susanne Zirino


School Aides:

Ms. Georgianna Luciano, Ms. Maria Ramdhanie, Ms. Gina Voli, Ms. Virginia Peters, Ms. Debbie Majeed, Ms. Samara Rahman


School Saftey Officer:

Ms. M. Saini


School Based Support Team:

  Ms. Luceliz Diaz (T,Th.), Bil. Sch. Psychologist,

Ms. Danielle Durando, Sch. Psychologist (M, T, TH) Monolingual School Psychologist Ms. Leigh Ann Salica, Ms. Diana Valencia (T,F), Bilingual Sch. Social Worker, Ms. Yolanda Camacho, Family Worker


​School Nurse:

Ava Brathwaite-Rushing, RN 


CUSTODIAL STAFF: Cust. Engineer, Mr. Wayne Eckler

Mr. Bjoh Budhrdat, Mr. Robert Rose, Mr. Clair Dowling


FOOD SERVICES: Ms. Bella-Ann Tufano, Ms. Giani Bertollini, Ms. Alison Borzacchiello,  Ms. Claudette Brammer, Ms. Carol Hall Boyd,  Mr. George Meyers, Ms. Brunella Quarto

Contact Us

PS 100Q Glen Morris Elementary School

Tel: 718-558-1510

School Address:

111-11 118th Street

South Ozone Park, NY 11420

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